First of all, thank you for your reasonable comment and kind support for my work. Although imperfect, I do my best to shed light on complicated aspects of vaccine safety.
Second, thanks for referring me to that video, which is interesting. Dr Campbell raised a good point in that we do not know for sure what's driving those excess deaths in Australia and U.K. A substantial part of it seems to be due to Covid or Covid-related complications. Another part seems to be due to delayed healthcare. Vaccines might even play a role, but no analyses were done to investigate any of these.
My guess, however, is due to age-related changes in the population. The number of excess deaths was not age-standardized, and most of the excess deaths were due to age-related diseases, such as dementia, ischemic heart diseases, and cancers. So, the main driver of the excess deaths, in my speculation, may be due to the increasing aging population that is finally catching up to the mortality statistics.